Posted: 10 February 2017
FogHorn’s first Nut Brown Ale has arrived!
Loverley Jubberley Nut Brown Ale is FogHorn’s tribute to classic British ales, brewed with quality British malts and inspired by Sam Webber, our recently returned British barman. Sam’s family runs Tucker’s Malts in the UK, a small high quality brewing malt producer and after almost a year of working with us here at FogHorn, Sam convinced us to give their malt a try. We brewed a British Nut Brown Ale, dark, malty but very drinkable. Strong British malt flavour and aroma with the added twist of all New World hop additions contributing their classic citrus and pine characters. All round we think it’s Loverley!
Malts: Tucker’s Ale Malt (UK), Baird’s Crystal Malts (UK), Baird’s Chocolate Malt (UK), Flaked Wheat (AUST.)
Hops: Green Bullet (NZ), Simcoe (US)